Monday, January 17, 2011

Prejudice compo

I woke up to an unfamiliar surroundings. My head was throbbing. “Where is this place?” I wondered to myself. I looked around and saw hospital beds and patients, and my parents talking to a doctor, while my mother was sobbing uncontrollably. It was the visiting time, and the patients were conversing happily with their family, but why can’t I hear anything? I tried my best to catch a word of their conversation, the constant sobs of my mother, the swirling of the fans, the laughter of the families. Nothing, absolutely nothing, the silence was deafening. I tried to speak but there was no sound, not even a whisper. It was as if my whole world collapsed right before my eyes. I was devastated; tears flowed uncontrollably down my cheeks. I remember now, I was in a rush to tuition and I was dashing across the road and then my whole world went out into darkness, and now, here I am, in the hospital and, deaf and mute ……
My whole world changed once I became deaf, school life was different, home life was different; conversing with others became such a chore. Every day in school, I could not make out what my friends were saying, and because of that, I was never asked out for a movie, no one ever attempted to start a conversation with me, I was living in an isolated world. Sometimes I wanted to scream, scream really loud and tell people how much I wanted a conversation, but they could never hear me, no one could.
As the days passed, I could now read people’s lips and guess what they are saying. However, it only made my life worse. I could read the jeers from their mouth. “He’s deaf and mute, he cannot answer and cannot even understand what you are saying, hahahaha….” this sentence from a group of classmates pierced through my heart like a bullet travelling at full speed. I spent many nights thinking “Why me? Why am I the one that have to become deaf and mute after an accident?” while I tossed and turn on the bed, tears will start to flow uncontrollably, not because of the fact that I was deaf or mute, but because of the prejudice and discrimination I was getting.
“Let this come to an end…” I thought about it several times and it would be the best way to end my pain. I am now standing on the fourteenth flour of a HDB flat; I took a wide jump forward into the air, and felt the wind tossing me around, as though still mocking me……
“ Oh my…… Look!”
“ Hey! That’s the deaf and mute child next door, .…..”
“ So he’s the one, the deaf and mute….”

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